2015년 10월 AOTrauma Symposium, 그랜드힐튼호텔 > 지난행사

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2015년 10월 AOTrauma Symposium, 그랜드힐튼호텔
<< AOTrauma Symposium—Updates on Infection after Fracture Surgeries>>

날짜: 2015 10 14
장소: 그랜드힐튼호텔
참석자: 62

Honorary Chairperson: Key-Yong Kim

Course Chairperson: Jong-Keon Oh

International Faculty: Mauro Alini (Switzerland), Stephen Kates (USA), Geoff Richards (Switzerland)

Special Lecturer: Jae-Phil Choi (Division Chief of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul Medical Center)

National Faculty: 22


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